Our Professional Server Setup Service for you.
Servers can be Dedicated, Cloud, VDS, or VPS
Single Server
- Debian or Ubuntu OS
- aaPanel
- Apache
- Redis
- phpMyAdmin
- ionCube Loader
- FFmpeg
- The Software Product that you've purchased from us
Requires 1 Server
What are we installing on a Single Server?
Individual Cluster
Pay only50€/server
- Debian or Ubuntu OS
- aaPanel
- Apache
- Redis
- phpMyAdmin
- ionCube Loader
- FFmpeg & FFprobe
- MP3 Converter Pro
- YouTube Video Backend on one Server
Cluster Config for
MP3 Converter Pro
Requires min. 2 Servers
What are we installing on a Cluster?
On all Servers
Cluster Setup
Pay only50€/server
- Debian or Ubuntu OS
- HAProxy Load Balancer
- aaPanel
- Apache
- phpMyAdmin
- ionCube Loader
- FFmpeg
- The Software Product that you've purchased from us