- VPS, VDS, Cloud, or Dedicated Server (Get 20€ Free Cloud Server Credits)
- Linux Debian 10 or Ubuntu 20.04 (minimal)
1) Update your System and install htop
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install htop -y
2) Check and Update your CA-Certificates (SSL Root Certificates), if necessary
3) Install (Free Web Panel) aaPanel
wget -O && sudo bash aapanel
4) After installation completes, copy your aaPanel Login Data and log into aaPanel
5) Choose the LAMP Stack
- Apache 2.4
- MySQL 8 or MySQL mariadb_10.7
- PHP 7.4 or 8.1
- phpMyAdmin 5.0
6) Wait until the LAMP Stack installation is done
7) After LAMP is installed, click on App Store > PHP 7.4 > Settings
8) In the PHP 7.4 Manage window, click on "Install extensions" and install the following PHP extensions:
- ionCube
- fileinfo
- redis
9) In the PHP 7.4 Manage window, click on "Limit of Timeout", set the value to 1000 seconds, and click Save
10) In the PHP 7.4 Manage window, click on "Disabled functions" and delete the following:
- putenv
- exec
- chown
- pcntl_signal
- pcntl_alarm
- popen
- proc_open
- dl
- apache_setenv
11) In the PHP 7.4 Manage window, click on "Service" and restart PHP-FPM
12) Click on App Store > Redis > Settings > Performance tuning and set an "Alphanumeric" Password, after editing click on Service and restart Redis.
13) Click on App Store > Tools and install Supervisor
14) Click on Website > Add site, add your MP3 Converter Pro domain, and set Database to "MySQL" and PHP Version to "PHP 7.4"
15) Repeat the same process for the Backend Subdomain
* If using Cloudflare, ensure that the HTTP Proxy/CDN (Orange Cloud in DNS) is disabled for the Backend Subdomain. It's not required and may otherwise cause issues.
* SSL is required! Check "Apply for SSL" to enable it.
* Do NOT check "HTTP redirect to HTTPS" for the Backend Subdomain!