How To install YouTube Video Backend

This guide is for a previous version that is End of life and no longer supported.

Minimum Requirements:

- Apache or Nginx

- URL Rewriting enabled

- PHP 7.2.5+* with IonCube Loader and cURL extension

- MySQL/MariaDB


Recommended Requirements:

- Apache 2.4

- URL Rewriting enabled

- PHP 7.3 with IonCube Loader and cURL extension

- MySQL/MariaDB


* PHP 8.x not yet supported.

How to install Backend Script?

1) Create a Subdomain, e.g.,

2) Install "unzip" package via SSH:


apt-get install unzip


yum install unzip

3) Upload the Zip file in your Subdomain Webroot directory and extract it via SSH:


4) Delete the Zip file from Server for Security Reasons

5) Create a new Database

6) Open .env file and edit the following:

APP_LICENSE_KEY=License key in your Client Area

7) Open SSH to your Server and Navigate to Webroot directory, e.g.:

cd /www/wwwroot/

8) Install dependencies via composer

composer install


On a Plesk Server only, type the following command to determine the correct location of the PHP "CLI" (Command Line Interface) for your PHP version:

find /opt/plesk/php/*/bin/php

You should see output like this:

Use the correct, corresponding, full PHP path name i.e. "/opt/plesk/php/7.3/php" instead of "php" for the commands executed in the next step!


9) Type these 2 Commands to Create the Database Table

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

You should see this output:

If you get this error, please read this Article: Enable putenv


10) Change CHMOD to 777 for these Directory: /storage/YouTube


11) Open app/Libraries/ApiControl.php and add Server IPs that are allowed to use the MP3 Converter Pro. (Only edit the red marked values, and do NOT use the default API Key value!)

public static $_apiAllowedIps = array(
    // df3908b67e1ad1c6f2a4b35f2af0c12e is a random String what serve as API Key.
    // You can Create your own API keys for example with a md5 Generator like
    // Type any few words or numbers in the md5 Generator and click generate.
    'df3908b67e1ad1c6f2a4b35f2af0c12e' => array(
       '', // Add here your Server IPs what you will give Access to Consume the Video API.
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